Bonnie Chen
Special Assistant
Mobility Solution BU
Speaker Profile
Bonnie Chen is the Special Assistant to AUO’s Mobility Solution Business Unit, responsible for the business development and project management of commercial cockpit solutions. She has more than 20 years of solid experience in the display industry, covering various roles in engineering, research, product management, sales, and strategic planning. Chen holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University and an EMBA from National Taiwan University.
Speech Abstract
Road to Safer, Smarter and Scalable Commercial Cockpit Solutions
This presentation delves into the value proposition of AUO’s smart cockpit solution for commercial vehicles, highlighting its successful deployment in collaboration with partners across global markets. The speech will discuss streamlined systems that prioritize driver safety and enhance the efficiency of commercial vehicle operations. The scalability of the solution across various applications and diverse types of commercial vehicles will also be addressed.